Stop flexing your pi-ceps in the gym.

Let RPEasy do the MATH.

E1RM calculator

Use eight different formulae to calculate your estimated 1RM. Just pick the one that’s best for your ego.

Work Set magic

Calculate lightweight based on your 1RM, target number of reps, and target RPE.

Back-off helper

Easily jump to a percentage of your 1RM for effortless back-off sets. Just be careful not to damage the ceiling.

Plate & Warm-up Helper

Currently in development. Your pi-ceps can use all the help it can get. No more misleads, no more finger counting like a first-grader.

World’s Best Rest Timer

No fuss, all rest. Protein shake not included.

Surprise Feature

Currently in development. We’re building something that coaches around the world are going to hate. Sit tight.



As soon as we feel the app has matured enough, we’ll introduce a subscription model for as little as 1 scoop of pre-workout per month — or € 1,67.